

Winning Casino

Do Not Have an Alcoholic Beverage … Play!

February 10th, 2017 at 15:25

If you enjoy a drink every once in a while, keep your money out of the casino if you are going to do your drinking in a casino. I am serious. Leave your evening bag, your money belt, and keep all cash, credit cards and checkbooks back at the hotel. Grab whatever money you intend to spend on refreshments, tips and whatever pocket change you anticipate to squander and leave the rest behind.

Contemptuous? Not at all. Realistic more like. You can have a success after a drunken evening out with your compatriots and be blessed enough to hit a long roll at a smokin craps table. Keep that adventure because it’s as brief as it gets if you continuously drink alcohol and wager. The pair simply do not go well together.

Leaving your moolah back at the hotel is a little drastic, but defensive actions for dramatic actions is required. If you bet to profit, then do not drink and play. If you like to burn your money nary a worry, then consume all the gratuitous booze your stomach can handle, but do not pack charge cards and checkbooks to throw into the mix of following squanderings after your befuddled brain throws away everything!

Allow me to carry this a single step further. Don’t consume alcohol and then jump on the net to wager in your best-liked online casino either. I love to drink from the comfort of my domicile, however since I’m hooked up through Neteller, Firepay and keep credit cards in close proximity, I can not consume alcohol and bet.

What’s the reason? Even though I do not drink a lot, once I drink, it is clearly enough to blur my better judgment. I wager, so I don’t drink when wagering. If you are more of a drinker, don’t wager when you do. Both make for a decimating, and expensive, cocktail.

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